

There are some situations in which you cannot afford to wait until the court process runs its course. 紧急情况下, such as when your spouse becomes abusive, require an accelerated process to ensure that you are safe 和 that your rights are protected. Here at 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 in 皇冠足彩网, our competent family law 和 divorce attorneys have both the experience 和 the knowledge to h和le these types of cases where time is of the essence.

Typical examples of emergency situations that merit temporary relief include instances where your spouse becomes abusive to you or children, or where your spouse refuses to provide reasonable 支持. You can see why these types of situations would merit different treatment by the court. If you are in a situation where your spouse is abusive to you 和 your children, you obviously want him or her out of the home immediately 和 some form of protective measures put in place to ensure that you 和 your children are no longer in danger. A 50B可能可用.

Instances where your spouse refuses to provide reasonable 支持 are also very troubling. If you are a stay-at-home parent with no source of income 和 your spouse denies you access to any funds, you would have no way to feed yourself or your children. It may be a situation where the spouse moves out of the home, leaving you with the children 和 no way to pay the rent/mortgage 和 no way to pay the utilities, 比如电力和水. This is also a situation in which you may be afforded temporary relief. You need to 应用 as quickly as possible for temporary 支持 because court backlog, particularly in the Guilford County Courts, can extend the time to obtain a hearing. There is less backlog in some of the counties surrounding Guilford, such as R和olph.

Cases that present emergency situations are dealt with differently by the court, as compared to the typical child custody or divorce case. The court may hear our evidence on an accelerated basis 和 determine if you should receive some relief while the case is pending. The court will require both you 和 your spouse to file a complete financial statement of your earnings 和 monthly expenses 和 will restrain both of you from physically abusing each other. If at any time you feel you need this sort of temporary relief, be sure to let us know immediately.

These types of cases are made easier where there are matters that are uncontested, i.e., issues that both you 和 your spouse agree on. 例如, you may both agree that one person should have custody of the children, 和 that person should also receive the marital home. However, you may not agree on the amount of child 支持 or who is going to pay attorney’s fees. Without an agreement between the two parties on all of the aspects of the case, it is still considered contested.

Your case will be contested unless you 和 your spouse agree on all aspects of custody, 支持, 房产部门, 支付债务, 律师费和诉讼费. If your spouse disputes any of these matters, you do not have an uncontested case. Mediation, arbitration or trial will be necessary on those items on which you cannot agree. Even after the complaint for relief is filed, the matter may still be settled by consent, 调解或仲裁. The court will decide only unresolved issues.