

皇冠足彩网 family law attorneys deal frequently with individuals who would like to change their name following a divorce. North Carolina General Statute Section 50-12 defines when a woman or a man may change his or her surname (last name) at the time of divorce. Note that the statute itself speaks in terms of male 和 female, which is why 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 is addressing it in this manner. Given recent US Supreme Court action in the same sex arena, stay tuned for perhaps an update on this statue.

If a woman gets a divorce, she has two ways under Section 50-12 to change her name. She can 应用 as part of the divorce, 或者另一种情况, she can 应用 to the Clerk of Court of the county where she was divorced. Most Clerks of Court can be found at the Courthouse. 例如, a woman from Reidsville (who was divorced in Wentworth) could go to the Clerk’s office at the courthouse in Wentworth 和 make the application without an attorney. 它是, 然而, simple for 伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 to do this as part of your divorce, 和 there is no real additional charge except for the small fee to be paid to the Clerk; it is simply part of the divorce paperwork. 有时, 然而, a woman may not be sure what name she wants to use after divorce, 和 she makes the change later; in that instance, the Clerk’s office is your best choice.

根据第50-12条, a woman cannot simply take any last name she wants to if she is changing her last name; there are limits. She can use one of three prior last names. 第一个, the last name of a prior ex-husb和 with whom she has children, provided that ex-husb和 is still living. 例如, Judy Johnson of Lexington became Judy 皮克特 at her first wedding 和 she has two living children with Mr. 皮克特. At the time of her divorce from Mr. 皮克特, Judy changed her name back to her maiden name – Johnson. Three years later, she decides she wants her name changed back to 皮克特. Mr. 皮克特 is still alive, so she can go to the Clerk’s office in the county where she 和 Mr. 皮克特 were divorced 和 应用 to become Judy 皮克特. The two other prior last names available are the woman’s birth name – referred to as a maiden name – 和 the last name of a prior husb和 who is deceased. 值得注意的是, 如果前任死了, you can take his name back regardless of whether there were children involved.

Interestingly, men do not have the same options available under Section 50-12. A man getting a divorce can only change his last name if he changed his name at the wedding 和 he wants to resume using his pre-marital name. 例如, if John Smith of 皇冠足彩网 became John Jones-Smith at the wedding, John can ask in the divorce or 应用 to the Clerk for use of the name John Smith again.

伍德拉夫家庭律师事务所 will help you obtain the name you desire as part of your divorce package. 它是 important to give to your lawyer exactly how you want the name to read after the divorce.

There are many considerations in whether to change your last name 和 when to do it. Changing your name also involves changing a lot of other paperwork, such as your social security record, 你的驾驶执照, 你的护照, 还有你的公用事业. Stay tuned for a 博客 by Carolyn Woodruff at www.NorthCarolina皇冠足彩Lawyers博客.com on these name change considerations.
